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2024 Central Police University Joint Graduation Ceremony

publish date : 2024-07-01
On the morning of June 7th, Central Police University held the "2024 Joint Graduation Ceremony," presided over by President Lai Ching-te. Deputy Minister of the Interior Ma Shih-yuan attended on behalf of Minister Liu Shyh-fang to extend congratulations. Their presence demonstrated concrete support and appreciation for law enforcement education. They expressed hopes that the graduates, equipped with innovative technological investigative skills, will become a powerful new force in the nation's fight against crime.

Deputy Minister Ma stated that to provide citizens with a better and safer living environment, everyone should heed the President's encouragement, perform their best, and actively combat "organized crime, economic crime, illegal firearms, drugs, and fraud". Additionally, he emphasized the implementation of the "Seven Safeties" proposed by the new cabinet, which include public safety, food safety, road safety, workplace safety, school safety, residential safety, and cybersecurity, ensuring that people can live and work in peace. Regarding the rights of police and firefighters, the Ministry of the Interior recently announced the establishment of the "Committee for Promoting Police and Firefighter Duty Safety and Incident Investigation". This committee will address four major areas: police affairs, firefighting issues, rights and safety protection, and incident investigations, providing robust support to ensure the rights and safety of police and firefighters, thus serving as a strong support for their colleagues.

Deputy Minister Ma also expressed the need for "aligning academics with practical application and enhancing technological enforcement and situational teaching". In response to emerging crimes such as investment fraud, online money laundering, ransomware, and deep-fake scams, he emphasized the importance of strengthening technological enforcement capabilities, improving forensic science, and enhancing technological investigation techniques and equipment. In terms of both software and hardware, through the joint efforts of the Ministry of the Interior and Central Police University, a budget of NT$260 million from the Executive Yuan were secured. This would be gradually implemented through a three-year "Program to Enhance Teaching Capabilities in Response to Emerging Crimes", aiming to cultivate and enhance students' expertise in technology and crime-fighting at Central Police University. This initiative aims to seamlessly integrate police education with practical application, thereby enhancing their readiness in maintaining public safety.

Finally, Deputy Minister Ma encouraged the graduates to "have dreams in life and realize them step by step" and "choose what you love, and love what you choose". He urged them to maintain their enthusiasm for serving the people, commit themselves to public safety work, and treat it as their lifelong career. He also reminded the graduates not to forget their original intention of joining the police force and to always stand firm on the front lines of defending democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. By dedicating their utmost efforts to national security, social stability, and public well-being, they will make significant contributions. After his speech, Deputy Minister Ma stepped off the stage to interact with and take photos with the graduates, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
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