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Successful Conclusion of the 2020 University Affairs Development Council of Central Police University

publish date : 2020-12-22
The 2020 University Affairs Development Council of Central Police University (CPU) was held on November 11, 2020, and was presided over by the vice president, Mr. Chuang, Te-sen. In addition to school members, Mr. He, Ming-zhou, the chairman of TransAsia Catering Services Ltd, and Ms. Xuan, Jie-ci, the director of Police Broadcasting Station, were invited to serve as the external members of the council and representatives of practical organizations.

The council mainly discussed the draft of the university affairs development plan of CPU from 2021 to 2024. It is based on the CPU’s current situation of the university affairs and the internal and external environment, adopting the rolling revision to formulate the specific development goals and strategies for the next four years. The basic framework of the draft plan is discussed by relevant units in CPU, and specific implementation plans and measures are put forward according to their business in charge. Lastly, it would be submitted to the university affairs development council for further discussion, and to serve as the basis for the future administration of CPU.

Through this review of the university affairs development council, which combined opinions of scholars, experts, and practical agencies, CPU can achieve the effect of complementation between its academic and practical aspects, and keep pace with the times in the development of CPU. It is hoped that the CPU’s academy and cadre training could meet the needs of practical work, and fulfill the goal of the integration of practicing and learning.
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