Contact Us

publish date : 2024-02-27

Tel: 886-3-3282321 Fax: 886-3-3284118

Organization Academic Departments
*Secretariat (ext.4126)
*Department of Academic Affairs (ext.4132)
*Department of Student Affairs (ext.4147 )
*Department of General Affairs (ext.4158)
*Personnel Office (ext.4172)
*Accounting and Statistics Office (ext.4182)
*Public Relations Office (ext.4186)
*Library and the World Police Museum (ext.4812)
*Infirmary (ext.4201)
*Forensic Science Laboratory (ext.5065)
*Computer Center (ext.4228)
*Extended Education Training Center (ext.4241)
*Student Corps (ext.4562)
*College of Justice Administration (ext.4904)
*College of Police Science and Technology (ext.5003)
*Department of Administration Police (ext.4206)
*Department of Public Security (ext.4266)
*Department of Crime Prevention and Corrections (ext.4276)
*Department of Foreign Affairs Police (ext.4301)
*Department of Border Police (ext.4303)
*Department of Administrative Management (ext.4610)
*Department of Law (ext.4371)
*Department of Criminal Investigation (ext.5021)
*Department of Fire Science (ext.4652)
*Department of Traffic Science (ext.4291)
*Department of Information Management (ext.4223)
*Department of Forensic Science (ext.5041)
*Department of Maritime Police (ext.4308)
*Department of Special Police (ext.4721)
*Graduate School of Disaster Management (ext.4845)
*General Education Center (ext.4799)